Discussion in "Embedded GSM Development" started by    galapacos    May 13, 2011.
Fri May 13 2011, 07:31 pm
hello all, im new user in this forum

i want to explain my problems

first of all i learn AT commands and tested them with hyperterminal, i connected my siemens c55 to laptop with data-cable then i send commands. finally i send sms to my own mobilephone. But after write these command in C compiler my system didnt work. i want to share my proteus shematic and c code, could u help me pls!

C code is:
Fri May 13 2011, 07:41 pm
sorry i forgot to say someting what my project about, laser security system. microcontroller's 2.pin is my logic 1 and logic 0 input. At alarm level it is logic 1 and RED LED burning, in this position pic will send sms.
Fri May 13 2011, 09:44 pm
if it will only sends sms then make a function that will send the AT command for sending via serial...

example command

AT+CMGS="<mobile number here>"
<ENTER command>
> <type your msg here><cntrl+Z command to send sms>

post your code here so that someone will help you..

[ Edited Fri May 13 2011, 09:47 pm ]
Sat May 14 2011, 02:08 am
Change line 23 to
unsigned char CMGS[]="AT+CMGS=\"+919123456789\"\r";
Replace +91923456789 with you number with country code
den add next line as
unsigned char SMS[]="Intrusion Detected";

Den replace lines 66 and 67 with this code
delay_ms(500); // not checking the response
Sat May 14 2011, 03:43 am
im not have a problem with AT commands, i send sms from siemens c55's memory and it's command is AT+CMSS=1 so my problem is, i cannot send my commands to mobile phone. There is no problem with sms sending, problem is serial communication pic to siemens c55 with C program.
Sat May 14 2011, 09:45 am
@ galapacos
ru sending AT commands using Proteus compim model
if yes then remove max232 and connect compim directly to the pic pin
connect compin tx pin with pic tx pin in proetus only not in real
connect compin rx pin with pic rx pin in proetus only not in real
Sat May 14 2011, 11:50 pm
hi majoka, i want to send AT commands pic to compim. yea i try it with compim but i didn't find a solution. please look, this my compim connection. i can't simulate this project :S sometimes virtual terminal opens, sometimes don't. firstly i want to see "AT" at virtual terminal to understand that my c program is true or false. look at the red box which i paint, is there any problem with crystal because there are grey nodes?

Sun May 15 2011, 12:07 am
ok ok i see the "AT" at virtual terminal it was wrong connection between 16f877 and virtual terminal pic's TX pin must go to virtual terminal's RX pin after that the phone will send "OK" then pic will send "AT+CMSS=1" (send 1.SMS on C55's memory).I will try this at breadboard thx
Sun May 15 2011, 12:45 am
connect pic tx to compim tx and pic rx to compim rx
now compim is ok
now connect pic tx pin with rx pin of hyper terminal to see the results
u can use many virtual terminals and use it only to see data that in or out from compim
do not click on cross symbol on terminal window in this way next time terminal will not come
then u has to delete last one and drag a new
Sun May 15 2011, 01:13 am
yea i saw the "AT"

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