News Item: Tutorial Updates
(Category: Rickeys World News)
Posted by ajay_bhargav
Sun Oct 28 2007, 02:26 am

Tutorial Section Updated

New tutorial added in the tutorial section:

Interfacing ADC with Microcontrollers

  1. Introduction to ADC
    Introduction to Analog to digital convertors
    conversion methods and commonly used ADCs.

  2. ADC0804 Interfacing
    Complete information of interfacing 8-bit
    ADC0804 with you microcontrollers.

  3. Programming AVR for ADC0804
    Programming example in both C as well as assembly
    to program AVR microcontroller.

  4. Programming 8051 for ADC0804
    Programming example in both C as well as assembly
    to program 8051 microcontroller.

LCD Tutorial updated

  1. LCD in 4-bit Mode - Introduction
    Learn to use LCD in 4-bit Mode, circuit
    diagram with lot of infromation.

  2. LCD in 4-bit Mode - Programming
    Programming example for microcontroller to
    communicate with LCD in 4-bit mode.

This news item is from Rickey's World of Microcontrollers & Microprocessors
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