Discussion in "Project Help" started by    cruellays    Sep 8, 2008.
Tue Sep 09 2008, 05:43 pm
@ pdi33,

u can try the SI prog/STK200 programmer hardware for the same software

I don't think you can use Asim's ISP prog v3.0a s/w with the Ponyprog's SI/STK200, the reason is Asim's s/w operates/controls only one Strobe connected to pin 5 of DB25(enable B buffers of 74HC244, or Hc 541) but the Prony prog SI H/W uses another strobe connected to pin 4 to control A buffers of Hc244 or 541.

also the pin8 of DB25 in SI h/w controls a "in process" led but asim's s/w doesn't provide for this.

the main and important difference between asim's isp prog v3.0a h/w and pony prog's SI hardware is :
in asim's h/w the micro is in "OFF" state when there is no activity ( power supply to micro is controlled by software) and micro is in " ON" state only when loading, verify, signature check etc

in SI prog, the micro is always running( direct P.S) and reset pin is held high only while programming.

I had shorted the pin2 and pin12 of the DB25 connector... pin 18 is to ground according the the schematics, but i shorted pin 18 until pin25 all to ground. I hope i'm not doing that wrong..

thats correct connection. by shorting pin 12 and pin 2 on DB25 the s/w detects that a compatible h/w is connected to LPT1

if you haven't connected pin2 to pin12 the ispprog v3.0a s/w shows error message "did not find hardware connected to LPT1"


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Tue Sep 09 2008, 09:27 pm
@ arun,
personally i have never used the asim khan programmer. I just happened to read the introduction to the programmer in which the author clearly indicated that the software is compatible with stk200 hardware.
here is what he has quoted in the introduction.

This ISP Programmer can be used either for in-system programming or as a stand-alone spi programmer for Atmel ISP programmable devices. The programming interface is compatible to STK200 ISP programmer hardware so the users of STK200 can also use the software which can program both the 8051 and AVR series devices.

this is exactly the reason i used the 'try' word.
Wed Sep 10 2008, 07:36 am

this is exactly the reason i used the 'try' word

so that was not a "tried" and "tested" advice

Ispprog v3.0a author makes tall claims about compatibility with original Kanda's STK200 but one can analyse both the hardwares and see the differences.

the correct S/w to be used with SI/improved STK200 hardware is Pony Prog and pony prog doesn't support 89S51/52 programming, only 89S53/89S8252.

mixing and matching pony prog's H/W with Asim's S/W and vice versa could be fatal resulting in chip damage/LPT port damage and loss of Hair :mad

Wed Sep 10 2008, 08:48 am
he he he, don't remind me of loss of hair .....
that is a complex i always have because baldness is hereditary in my genes . In fact, i have seen most of the males from my NKGSB (north kanara goud saraswat brahmin) community suffer from the same problem after they step into their mid thirties.

[ Edited Wed Sep 10 2008, 08:53 am ]
Thu Sep 11 2008, 12:48 am
I really do not find any other reliable programmer than Asim's ISP programmer.
i found PCB layouts from sixca.com
Thu Sep 11 2008, 07:34 am

I really do not find any other reliable programmer than Asim's ISP programmer.

Ajay, Atmel sells its own ISP cable(they call it a cable but there is a small circuit board embedded in the cable) for 89S series it costs $25 and can be ordered thru Atmel's dealers or directly from atmel.

there is also a recommended s/w from atmel for 89s series isp, which can be downloaded from atmel's site.

isp programmer from sixca is basically asim's programmer with slight mods, and uses same asim's s/w ISPpgm v3.0a. so it may be equally vulnerable

here's stuff relating to Atmel's ISP h/w, s/w and user manual:


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Thu Sep 11 2008, 07:52 am

ooops, i thought i uploaded the ATmel's ISP s/w, but since its 6 MB zip file, it was not uploaded by the forum server.

anyway, here's the link :


you may have to scroll down to find ISP s/w ( 6 MB)

 nischay kumar like this.
Thu Sep 11 2008, 10:48 am
Is there any chance that the original Atmel's AT89ISP software can be used with the circuit below:

because the circuit below works with Asim's ISP-3v0

I don't want any possible casualties as I need the chip for presentation :-|

Thu Sep 11 2008, 06:59 pm
@ freddy,
i don't think u can use the same hardware .( It seems somewhat similar to the SI Prog hardware minus the buffer).
Better not try it as the LPT and the target chip are connected directly and both could be in danger!
Fri Sep 12 2008, 12:13 am

Is there any chance that the original Atmel's AT89ISP software can be used with the circuit below:

No,Atmel's ISP s/w doesn't work with any DIY pgmr h/w except Atmel's ISP cable.

Atmel's website doesn't disclose the schematics of their ISP cable, but i am postings the schematics which are taken from production guide of the same ISP cable.

you can build the isp cable your self after careful deciphering of the pin names. as you can see Atmel's ISP cable is a bit sophisticated and advanced than other DIY prgmrs and so is their ISP s/w.

i found a bug( there might be many) in asim's ISPpgm v3.0a s/w, take a look :

1) first i loaded a sample hex file of 522 bytes and programmed the chip thru asim's s/w and h/w
2) "program and verify ok" msg appears
3) i tried verify option again, this time it shows a error at addr 900 hex and 901hex containing 80h.
4) i read the chip in my universal pgmr, it shows 80h at the same two locations
5) i reloaded the chip (thru univ prgmr) with same 522 bytes sample hex and read the chip at addr 900h , and it was all FFs and not 80
6) i removed the chip and used it in asim's h/w and s/w to read the chip it reads a 80 at 900 and 901 addr and says " verification failed "

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